Plan your study sessions ahead, covering all subjects, and break down your study time into manageable chunks with intervals for breaks.
Actively engage with the material by taking notes, summarizing key points, rephrasing information, and incorporating visual aids like diagrams instead of passively reading.
Use mnemonics and acronyms to remember complex information by creating memorable phrases or abbreviations for easy recall of lists or sequences.
To teach effectively, ensure a profound grasp of the material by explaining concepts to a friend or family member, or even practicing as if you're teaching a class.
Strengthen your memory and deepen understanding by actively recalling information without consulting your notes, testing your knowledge.
Prevent monotony and enhance memory recall by occasionally changing your study environment, as different locations can aid exam performance.
Supplement your learning with educational apps, online resources, and tools such as flashcard apps, online study groups, or educational YouTube channels.
Prioritize tasks using the Eisenhower Matrix by tackling important and urgent ones first, and delegating or eliminating less important tasks.
Maintain focus and prevent burnout by staying hydrated and taking short breaks, incorporating techniques like the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes of focused study followed by a 5-minute break).
Ensure optimal memory consolidation and cognitive function by prioritizing 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night, especially during exam periods.